
My name is David (Ahmadreza) Mosallanezhad. I got my M.Sc. in Artificial Intelligence from Shiraz University under supervision of Prof. Ali Hamzeh. Currently, I am a third.5 year PhD student at Arizona State University working at the DMML lab and DHS-CAOE under supervisions of Prof. Huan Liu and Dr. Mickey Mancenido. My research: Trustworthy AI/ML.

My resume is available here (updated on Jun/2022)


  • I recieved the ASU Engineering Graduate Fellowship from Ira A. Fulton Schools of Engineering.

  • Our team won the second place at sunhacks hackathon 2019.

  • Our paper “Privacy-Aware Recommendation with Private-Attribute Protection using Adversarial Learning” is accepted in WSDM 2020. You can download it from here.

  • Our paper “Deep Reinforcement Learning-based Text Anonymization against Private-Attribute Inference” is accepted in EMNLP 2019. You can download it from here + slides.